Monday, May 04, 2009

So here's a musing for you:

I’ve allowed this to marinate long enough. I heard it today and it reminded me of how much I loathe this coined phrase. Thankfully, I wasn’t on the receiving end of it – but have been too many times. You’ve all heard it: “To make a long story short.” My utter frustration lies within the perplexing question of why do people still insist and proceed to tell you a super long version of whatever they’re telling you? This after they’ve given you a glimmer of hope that the suffering is going to be over soon. And yet, the word count continues to climb from their mouths, all the while I’m thinking to myself that I’d rather experience symptoms of the Swine Flu. At least that way I could maybe find slight reprieve for my ears. I think this phrase is a tremendous ploy to get the listener to stay and listen instead of showing disinterest. But the end result is always exactly what they tried to avoid in the first place. You realize that about 20 sentences in from the point of them saying that phrase, you’re just beating yourself to death inside – so upset that you just got suckered into another convoluted story of miniscule details that don’t amount much to anything. The frustration is strong with this one, young Padawan. Here’s a tip to the talker: Next time just tell the story, and let me suffer naturally through it instead juking my mental state. So this goes out to all of you who have been on the receiving end of this fallacy of a phrase. “To make a long story short” – you’re no friend of mine.


Fast and Furious (viewed on 4/5): 6 1/2 Turkey Legs
17 Again (viewed on 4/25): 7 Turkey Legs
Earth (viewed on 4/30): 8 Turkey Legs
The Soloist (viewed on 5/3): 8 Turkey Legs

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