Thursday, February 11, 2010

A new post is coming soon (hopefully before February ends). I've been so lazy and have simply just struggled to find anything to expound on. My thoughts have been hanging out in a desert. But today, one sentence turned into a paragraph and I feel there's something inside me that I just want to get out into words. Hopefully I won't forget the thoughts.

Even in its dilapidated state, this blog will always be the home to where I did some major growing up; spiritually into a man of God, and ultimately where Amanda found truths about me that she hung on to before she chose to love me.

Before I sign off, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year! Me and Amanda are heading to St. Augustine tomorrow for a two-day vacation. And then off to Annapolis/DC in mid-March. So glad we're getting to travel some together.


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