Friday, March 14, 2008

A few weeks ago, I was selected to be a part of Andrew Peterson's (AP) book blog tour - On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. AP, an incredibly-gifted storyteller of Christ through music, had always tooled with the idea of writing a series of books. Well, the time has finally come as the first book of The Wingfeather Saga will hit streets beginning next week and I feel extremely privileged to be a part of this. It's a totally new concept for me this whole book blog tour, but it's given me the opportunity to get back into reading. For those of you who know me well, getting me to read a book is like trying to convince Amanda that hot dogs taste good. Sometime next week, I will be posting a review of the book. Stay tuned...


P.S. I received two advance copies of the book. If you're interested in getting a free copy, please email me
 with the correct answer to the following question (first one with the correct answer wins):

How many years did I live with Howard (Kurt) before getting married to Amanda (the best wife in the world)?

The winner of the book is Katherine Elizabeth Hart with the answer of 12 years. Enjoy!!!


Anonymous said...


K. H. Kan said...

Splendid and maginificent!!! Gonna buy the DVD today...