Monday, September 15, 2008

The One About Cosmic 9/11...

Out with the old and in with the new. My beloved Subie of six years was sold on August 16 to a rescue diver in Pensacola. I still can't believe the Subaru isn't my car any more. 76 months and 104K miles later, I am now an owner of a 2008 Mazadaspeed 3 in Cosmic Blue Mica - aptly named, Cosmo. Having two Mazdas in the garage now was not an intended goal but more of a serendiptous occurence. Hopefully Cosmo won't disappoint. The Subie left a legacy that is and will always be second to none. Onward to the Cosmic Blue skies...

Pardon the unsmooth segue here, but I couldn't help notice that we're on the doorsteps of Autumn. If you have read this blog in the past, you know that it's my favorite time of year. I won't go into it ad nauseum again - you're a smart crowd and I trust that you will figure it out soon enough. Just for fun, go ahead and vote in the poll as to why you like Autumn - sorry no choices for disliking it, you can find something about it that you can tolerate.

This past week was the seventh anniversary of 9/11. You couldn't help but see lots of media coverage on this horrid and tragic day in American history. There are tons of stories, essays, memoirs, and I'm sure blog entries about the subject, but I felt compelled to write something - even if trite - about this. I, in no way, expect my short take on this to be groundbreaking or epiphany-esque. I guess it's more of a "I've come to terms with it" type of musing. I've realized over the past few months how truly bombastic our country can be with its press and media. With the presidential debates coming up and the imminent election to follow, it is nearly impossible to avoid the ugliness of this world. I absolutely abhor the coverage of the candidates but yet somehow find myself intrigued, enamored, and being caught up in the thick of it. After all, they're human beings just like us. We all mess up in life. But being in the public eye of scrutiny sure does splat your life for everyone to see. Whoever winds up being the President of this grand ole' country will have his hands full. I do not for one second envy what lies ahead for them. But kudos to each of them for being so courageous and having the human make-up to head up this grandiose task of all tasks. I'm not going to use this space on the Internet as a platform for my political views (or lack thereof). It's rampant everywhere else so I'll spare you the eyerolling ( it too late?). I have never been one to really get into politics. Some people love it; some people hate it; I'm in the latter group. I hate it like Howard hates pineapple and coconut...or if you wanna go that far, Amanda's dislike for hot dogs. Just don't touch it!

I guess my emotional and spiritual toil at the moment is something that a lot of Christians and non-Christians have pondered at some point in their lives (some many a times). How could something like 9/11 happen? The families that lost loved ones on one of, if not, the darkest days of America. I'm not even going to pretend to know how they all felt and how they still feel to this day. And how about the families that lost or still have loved ones serving in the Armed Forces? How come it's them and not me worrying and feeling all that pain and heartache? I know if I were them, I'd be questioning my King all the time until I found an answer. Probably mad as all get out, too. But in my little and many times, insignificant world, I feel like there will be more unanswered questions than the answered variety when I cross Christ's finish line. And maybe that will be OK. I guess my point to all this is that with the recent happenings in my life - getting a new car I didn't absolutely need but still got, pondering my relevance in this world when there's more important things like remembering the fallen of 9/11, hurricanes and people losing their homes, and last but not least...the ugliness that's still yet to come in the Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin race - where and how is God in all of this confusion that's going on in my head? But not just in my head. How about the other millions of people who wonder every second of every day where this God of mine is in the midst of all this overwhelming craziness and sadness?

For me, I'll continue to seek that answer. I can at least say it'll be easier to find in the upcoming months. Just look around and see what you've got right in front of you. I look, and I see my beautiful wife beside me encouraging and loving me as I continue to stumble and fall flat on my face in the name of sin. I look, and I see love in my family and friends. From my dad's undying love to my other mom (Tonya) and dad's (Buddy) welcoming arms to Tony and Julie's continuous care and generosity. And then there's Howard's unwavering and consistent friendship to Bruce's infinite wisdom and genuine concern for my well-being. As the crisp and cool air enters your lungs, remember to breathe in the colors of Autumn. With each breath I'll be reminded of all these things and more (the Wolfgangs, the entire Hart clan, First Christian Church). But most importantly, that my God was never so invisible to begin with. Thanks to Andrew Peterson for providing the inspiration and backdrop song to this entry...


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