Sunday, January 13, 2008

The One After The Ball Dropped...

Happy (belated) New Year to you fine folks. Hope everyone had a peaceful and joyous holiday season and that the beginnings of 2008 have been prosperous thus far and will bring forth many more happy memories. Me and Amanda's "first" Christmas was fantastic. Being with the in-laws and grandparents was a wonderful ending to what was one of the best years of my life. A lot of things transpired in 2007 obviously, but nobody in their right mind would complain I don't think about marrying such a fine southern gal such as Amanda. She is the epitome of sweet and tender (not sweet and sour as y'all associate me with since I'm of Asian descent and my people make that "so Americanized" dish called Sweet and Sour Chicken) and the best thing that has happened to me since they invented rice cookers. I'm starting off this year right by saying the nice things about her up front so I can take it easy the rest of the year - Amanda's eyes are rolling into the stratosphere as she reads this - just kidding, dear, my love grows exponentially for you as each day passes. All joking aside, our journey in life together began officially back in December of '06, but we're starting to get into the groove of things now after the New Year. Our home is all but settled in and the way we want it to be - meaning it's in a state where when we get home from work, we can sit and relax and not worry about what else we need to get for the house. We can just enjoy the abundant blessings from God and what our family and friends have given to us. The warmth and love that this house is foundated on is indescribable. I can't begin to express the gratitude I have towards every relationship that God has brought into me and Amanda's life.

The busyness that was the holiday season has subdued. And although thankful for everything we were engaged in, we're glad to be in the midst of routine these days. Being able to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as what our budget is from month to month is a good thing. Today, we got to sleep in on a Saturday morning for the first time in a long time. I think I got out of bed close to 11:00 and then Amanda stayed under the covers till close to Noon watching "While You Were Sleeping." It was a good morning. It was about as perfect as a perfect day could be. There was nothing on our agenda except taking it easy. We did some laundry, I organized my CDs and the remaining totes, and brought stuff up to the attic. We listened to CDs for hours while we enamored ourselves with organizing/cleaning. During that time of relaxation, we stumbled across some old pictures, wedding shower cards, past birthday cards from my mom, and just some other things that promoted reminiscing. These are the moments that will never leave my head - and they are also the moments that continue to bring me and Amanda closer to one another. It's the smiles that we share together; the tears that fill my eyes as I share glimpses of what mom means to me; the team that we are when we work to transform this house into a home for us and our family-to-be one day. It all goes back to the simple things in life that make this marriage even more blissful.

I realize this could be the newlywed in me talking, but I believe there's a certain truth to be told here. It's not the entertainment center that I'm so proud of; the furniture and appliances we bought; or even the ever-so-convenient front load washer and dryer that we have that matter. It's the simple and perfect days like the one we had today that will bring forth the memories that we'll cherish and look back upon one day and know that that's what made our home a home. That's something we'll never lose to a hurricane, fire, or whatever horrible tragedy that may occur. Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying. I'm not looking down at those people who have lost things - or lives for that matter - to those aforementioned incidents. You can't really know what it's like until you've lost everything. Furthermore, I know I would be heavily saddened and distraught if any of those things happened to me and Amanda. I think what I'm trying to get at is that God is incredibly good and that hard times occur in everyone's lives at one point or another. When you're married, the bond you create with God as a couple/team is what gets you through the peaks and valleys in life. There are going to be some curveballs thrown at us in the coming years I'm sure - some curvier than others - but I know with all my heart, soul, and mind that God chose the best and perfect person for me in Amanda to help me through all of the things in life that will challenge my faith. I find huge comfort in knowing that His hands will continue to mold us and shape us into better people to serve Him and lead others to a better understanding of why Jesus is the stronghold in our lives.

I got off on kind of a tangent there. I wanted to include some other tidbits on what's happened and is going on in my life before I close this entry:
  • Rock Band is every bit as addicting and fun as people have made it out to be. Me and Tony had an absolute blast playing all the gigs we had in that game during the week of New Year's. We also got to spin some wrenches. We basically got to be boys for a week which was an incredible thing.
  • Buddy and Howard installed some new/used ceiling fans in our home that go with our decor so much better than what was there before. Our mom, dad, and grandparents came down last weekend to visit and I cooked stir fry for them. It was a good time of work and fellowship. I'm incredibly thankful for that day.
  • We had the honor of having Amanda's close friend Amber over for a short time before New Year's. I'm glad Amanda and her had some girl time to catch up on things. It makes me happy to see Amanda happy when she's with her friends.
  • The McManus' had us over for dinner one evening. It was good to see them and their boys. They are always a good reminder for me and Amanda that it's possible to raise kids well in this day and age and have a solid family.
  • Our friends and their kids (Braden, Heather, Ramsay, Mattie, and J-Dawg) came down from Albany today and had dinner with us at Chili's. They are another solid family with great values and know how to raise their children. What a perfect way to end a day of relaxation and fun. It was a hoot to share stories and laugh with one another over yummy food. And the $20 that Amanda found during our organizing time paid for dinner!!!
  • It was good to sit down and watch football with Howard tonight. And even though the stinkin' Patriots won again, it was good to catch up and be boys in front of the TV. Thanks for letting us watch the game, dear.
  • In the imminent future, I'll be starting up racquetball again with Bruce. I think the last time I played was back in late October. Hopefully he'll take it easy on me.
  • We're going to visit Chad (Amanda's brother) and my friend, Anthony, down in Brevard County during MLK weekend. I'll get to show Amanda my old stompin' grounds and Chad will get to brag about his ocean view apartment. It'll be fun.

Well, my girl is in bed all in her lonesome dreaming the night away without me. It's time for some shut-eye before church in the morning. So here's to the New Year and many resoluted resolutions. Thank you humbly for reading and for liking me enough to check in once in a while. Sorry for the extended breaks between each entry the last few months. It'll probably be that way for some time to come. Marriage is good at changing your priorities. I'm sure I'll go through phases where I'll post more regularly, but I don't know if it'll ever be like it was when Fixedfront Valley first started. In any case, drop in every so often and see if there's a new poll or movie ratings. Who knows, there may even be a new entry.

So come what may in 2008, I'm firmly planted in memories...


National Treasure: Book of Secrets (viewed on 12/29) - 8 Turkey Legs
Juno (viewed on 12/30) - 9 Turkey Legs
I Am Legend (viewed on 12/31) - 9 Turkey Legs


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the shout-out. I am so touched by your kind words about our family. It is so great to see other Christian couples married and so happy. We are so lucky to have great women in our lives. We are very blessed men my friend.
Be Good!, Braden

K. H. Kan said...

Thanks for reading, HDK. It was a tremendous honor for us to see you guys on your road trip day to Tally. Feel free to call or stop by anytime!!!